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Monday, February 24, 2014

17 Things That Suck About Being A Little Bit Fat

OCT. 5, 2012 By January Nelson

1. Depending on what you’re wearing, you can either look borderline thin or borderline obese. One false move — one ill-fitting shirt or unflattering pair of jeans — and all of a sudden you’re FAT.

2. People who haven’t seen you in awhile tell you that you look “healthy” and then you cry because you know that just means that you have a fleshier mid-section.

3. Nothing fits exactly the way you want it to. And then when you want to wear something too big that hides your body, you just look even fatter. Only truly skinny people can look good in oversized clothing. If someone a little bit fat wears something that’s a size too big, it just looks like an unfortunate accident.

4. You start to wonder if strangers see you on the street and identify you as being fat. You don’t weigh enough to have it be a unanimous decision but there certainly are people who would describe you as being “bigger.”

5. You can’t tell what’s natural curves and what’s the product of sitting on your ass for the last 25 years.

6. You only really think about losing weight when you see yourself naked. Other times, you’re just like, “Meh. I don’t think I’m fat enough yet. I’ll just wait and see what happens.”

7. There are three rolls on your stomach. Everyone has the first two rolls but the third one is reserved for people who are a little bit fat, such as yourself.

8. Your family used to make fat jokes about you at Christmas because you were always pretty skinny. Now they just don’t say anything.

9. Sex with the lights off. Always.

10. Everyone you sleep with is skinnier than you which makes you feel bad, like you’re not keeping up your end of the 20-something bargain or something.

11. You notice that everyone started to eat healthier except for you. You are the only one who’s still ordering pasta at dinner. When did this happen? When did everyone agree to stop consuming carbs? Was there a meeting about this that you didn’t know about?

12. Your clothes from three years ago still fit. You just look fatter in them.

13. You’re not fat enough to want to change your lifestyle, even though you feel more and more uncomfortable in your own skin.

14. You hate every piece of clothing you own but you avoid going shopping because you can’t bring yourself to buy things in a bigger size.

15. You know it wouldn’t be that difficult to lose the weight which makes you feel even lazier and more pathetic.

16. You see yourself gaining weight in places that you didn’t even know was possible. Like a fat collarbone? Who has that?

17. You know the thing that comes after a “little bit fat” is “actually fat” so start changing your life now! You totally will. Just after eating this plate of spaghetti and meatballs.

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Healing MS with Food!

I‘m always seeking information on how good foods help my body to maintain itself, inside and out. Buying high quality foods can be hard at times because it takes more financial creativity to eat healthy. There’s the “Whole Foods and high priced supplements” diet plan, which is what most people think of when they hear, “eat better.” But with some research, it’s really possible to get what your body needs without spending a fortune.

My grocery bill for two people in Los Angeles is about $100 a week (shopping at Trader Joe’s and our local health food store); we buy mostly organic veggies and fruits. We don’t eat any processed, pre-packaged items and we don’t drink sodas. Snacks are kale chips, homemade granola, fruit, fermented vegetables and once in a while French Fries from our favorite fry shop (our one weakness). I realize eating like this cost more than downing soda and pizza a few times a week. And we invest time cooking delicious, nutrient dense meals. But it’s totally worth it for disease prevention. And in some cases, healing disease.

Don’t believe me? Watch this Ted Talk with Dr. Terry Wahls. Dr. Wahls talks about her recovery from progressive Multiple Sclerosis that had forced her into a wheel chair for four years. She’s now able to ride her bike and live a normal life. After using all of the medications offered for MS and she still wasn’t getting better, Dr. Wahls began to study how food repaired the brains of mice. And then she used herself as a human experiment. She breaks down in understandable terms what food is doing to support the brain (or destroy it) and other parts of the body. I was fascinated throughout her 17 minute talk.

I’m happy that Dr. Wahls is a medical professional who discovered she could heal herself through foods. For some people, only hearing something like this from a medical doctor will convince them. Of course, lots of holistic nutritionists and others in the natural community have been touting this for years. We realize the food pyramid is a joke. And of course, when anyone points out that much of the ills plaguing Americans are diet-related, there’s lots of push back.

I eat very similar to the diet Dr. Wahls talks about (except for the meat part. I get my protein from vegetables and grains). One of my neighbors stopped me yesterday when I was walking to the farmer’s market in my neighborhood. She said she wanted to eat healthier and lose some weight.

She’d just bought a blender and wanted to know what I put in my smoothies.

Green smoothies (made with kale or spinach as the main ingredient) are a wonderful way to sneak all sorts of nutrients into your body. And as a result, you’ll get prettier skin, healthier hair and more energy. You may clear up some other major issues, as well.

I know lots of people tout how they drink smoothies regularly, but when I talk to them, they’re really making fruit-based desserts, not a healthy nutrient-packed power drink. Here’s a list of great foods to put in smoothies and why I recommend them. Of course, this is just to get you started. Be creative and make your own masterpieces.

Kale – I love when Dr. Wahls says in her talk that kale “has the most nutrition per calorie of any plant.” Kale is an incredible super food packed with health benefits. Just one cup of kale provides 133% of the daily allowance of Vitamin A and 134% of Vitamin C. Vitamin A helps in sebum production, which makes hair healthy. And Vitamin C helps build and maintain collagen in skin. Kale also contains B-6, Calcium and Iron. It’s so easy to blend one cup of kale into a smoothie. I also make raw kale salads and kale chips a few times a week.

Spinach – This green leafy veggie is a good source of potassium (more than bananas!) and iron. Potassium helps the body build protein and muscle. Without iron, we can experience lack of energy, weak nails and dull, shedding hair.

Beet juice - These deeply-hued veggies are great for detoxing the liver. And according to WebMD, “Emerging studies suggest that beet juice is one of the richest dietary sources of antioxidants and nitrates that may improve blood pressure and blood flow throughout the body, including the brain, heart, muscles, and more.” Because beet juice is so powerful at detoxing, I only put it in my smoothies once in a while. They have to be juiced in a juicer before adding to smoothies.

Avocado – It took me a while to warm up to avocados. I thought I was allergic, but then realized I was responding to the pesticides when I didn’t buy organic. Now I slice avocado for my smoothie a few times a week. They’re great for adding a smooth texture (I don’t like bananas) and they contain almost half of the recommended daily dose of fiber.

Cilantro – I love the taste of cilantro and put it in a lot of foods. Sometimes I add it to my smoothies as it’s said to assist with heavy metal detoxing.

Flaxseeds – I used to buy a very expensive, cold pressed flaxseed oil from Whole Foods. Through some research, I found huge bags of organic flaxseeds for far less money. I crush a few spoonfuls at a time in my food processor and shake into my smoothie (I also put it on salads). Flaxseeds are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, lignans and dietary fiber.

Hemp – Although it’s still illegal to grow hemp in America, thankfully my local health food store sells organic hemp seeds from Canada. Hemp is one of the world’s most nutritious plants. The seeds contain all of the essential amino acids making them an ideal source of protein for vegetarians (like me). Essential fatty acids in hemp are abundant and very easily accessed by the body. I sprinkle them in my smoothie and on salads. This is the most costly item I add to my smoothies. :(

Diatomaceous Earth – I use this food grade earth to cleanse the intestinal track and assist with growing healthy hair and nails. I add a teaspoon to my morning smoothie. I can’t even tell it’s in there.

Homemade Almond Milk – My guy and I make our own almond milk so we’re sure it’s fresh and pure. It’s super easy and fast to make and it tastes great in smoothies and on cereal. Lactose in regular milk makes me sick. Yogurt is fermented, so I can eat it.

Fruit? Lots of people ask if I put any fruit in my smoothies. I do, but sparingly. Sometimes I’ll add a lime, toss in an apple or squeeze some orange juice for extra liquid. When I’m in a hurry, I’ll even cheat by using coconut water (raw, unpasturized is best but it’s VERY expensive). Frozen organic blueberries are my usual fruit choice because they’re great antioxidants. If you’re new to making healthy smoothies and you really need fruit to help you get your drink down, start out with a few sweet fruits mixed with your green veggies (mangoes, pineapples and peaches work great), but make it your goal to make your smoothies more about the greens and veggies than fruits. You’ll have a healthier smoothie without taking in lots of sugar.

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Tom Brokaw Announces Cancer

Saturday, February 15, 2014 by: Jonathan Benson

It was recently announced that former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw has multiple myeloma, a type of bone marrow cancer that the conventional medical industry says is incurable, though treatable. And while Mr. Brokaw has since come out publicly to say that these treatments have been going smoothly, the mainstream media is insistent that the special correspondent will never be cured of his condition, despite the fact that natural cures for multiple myeloma do exist.

In a recent personal note picked up by NBC News and others, Mr. Brokaw explained how he and his doctors are optimistic about the treatments for his cancer, which was originally diagnosed at the Mayo Clinic. With the support of his family, friends and medical team, Mr. Brokaw says he plans to continue living life as normal and hopes that the public will respect his choice to keep the issue a private matter.

Turmeric, sulforaphane both shown effective at treating multiple myeloma
This is all good and well except for the fact that Mr. Brokaw appears to be ill-informed about his available options for possibly overcoming his disease. One such option includes treatments that involve supplementation with high levels of all-natural turmeric, the South Asian cooking spice that researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) recently found is effective at targeting multiple myeloma.

As we reported here at Natural News back in the fall, curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric that is believed to provide the most therapeutic benefits, was found to be an effective weapon against multiple myeloma cells. Published in the peer-reviewed journal Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, a recent study on this powerful compound verified that it is an effective medicine against not only multiple myeloma and other forms of cancer but also against cognitive degeneration and arthritis.

Other research has linked sulforaphane, an anticancer compound found naturally in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, to targeting multiple myeloma. Like turmeric, sulforaphane was shown to help enhance the effectiveness of existing chemotherapeutic agents, meaning conventional cancer treatments suddenly become more viable when paired with certain natural therapeutic agents.

Many natural treatments ignored by Mr. Brokaw in quest to conquer multiple myeloma
Large-scale human trials of these natural compounds are admittedly lacking, as the incentives to fund them are in short supply, not to mention extremely costly. But there does currently exist a cohort of scientific evidence published in credible journals showing that these and other verified cytotoxic compounds may be effective at treating certain cancers, something of which Mr. Brokaw appears to be unaware.

The Independent Cancer Research Foundation on its Cancer Tutor website also offers a vast repository of information about natural treatments for multiple myeloma. This particular site recommends a treatment protocol known as the "Cesium Chloride Protocol," a pH therapy which involves cesium chloride and can include dimethyl sulfoxide, also known as DMSO, that is mineral-based rather than poison-based.

"The Cesium Chloride Protocol is the only recommended treatment for multiple myeloma or any other bone marrow cancer," explains the site. "[It] easily penetrates the bones and gets to the bone marrow where it can kill cancer cells and even the microbes in the bone marrow," it adds, noting that the treatment also helps protect against bone fractures, a common symptom of multiple myeloma.

Other supplemental treatments, or treatments intended to accompany conventional treatments, including Essiac tea, noni juice, the Budwig diet, a raw food diet and many others, which you can learn more about, including scientific references, at the following link:

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/043923_Tom_Brokaw_multiple_myeloma_natural_cures.html?utm_content=buffer78867&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer#ixzz2uGdlVV81

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Programming your Ketogenic Diet

Saturday, February 15, 2014 by: Dr. David Jockers

Ketogenic diets are all the rage as they have been shown in studies to reduce inflammation, improve metabolism and enhance brain function. Many individuals do not know how to successfully enter into and maintain ketosis. Natural ketosis is an incredible physiological state that can be measured and cycled or maintained for excellent health.

Many people continue to confuse natural ketosis with the pathological ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis is due to an extreme insulin deficiency such as in type I diabetes and advanced type II diabetes. In this condition the concentration of ketones are 10 times higher than in natural ketosis. In ketoacidosis, the blood sugar is also extremely high while in natural ketosis the blood sugar and stable and low.

How are ketones formed
The body has two major energy sources, it burns glucose or ketone bodies. The majority of people burn glucose primarily because they are constantly supplying a steady form of sugar, starches and proteins that can be turned into blood sugar. When one either fasts or goes on a low-carb, moderate protein and high fat diet they switch their energy source to fat.

In particular, the fatty acids are broken down into ketone bodies. The three major forms of ketones produced in the body include Acetoacetate, Acetone and Beta HydroxyButyric acid. These are released into the blood from the liver when insulin levels are low and hepatic liver metabolism is increased.

Measuring ketone levels
There are three ways to measure ketone body formation: breath, urine and blood. Breath testing measures acetone, urine measures acetoacetate levels and blood looks at beta-hydroxybutyric acid. Blood measurements are the most accurate but the testing is more expensive. All three areas can help guide you to understand how to maintain ketosis with your unique biochemistry.

The skin prick blood spot test is the most accurate way to measure ketosis. Most people will enter into a light nutritional ketosis (between 0.5-1.0 mmol/L on the meter) within two or three days. It typically takes two to three weeks to get into a stable optimal ketosis of 1.5-3.0 mmol/L.

Urine ketosis shows the amount of ketones that are not being used through metabolism. Some people will be in ketosis, yet only show low levels of ketones on their urine strips. Others will show higher levels. The more energy you are expending (exercise, physical work, etc.) the more you will use ketones as an energy source and the less ketones will be in your urine. However, if you were relatively sedentary you may very well notice more ketones in your urine.

The ketogenic nutrition plan
The body stores protein as lean muscle tissue and carbohydrates in the form of glycogen. During ketosis the body is primarily burning fatty acids in the form of ketosis and it is preserving protein and glycogen stores. This creates a physiological state of fat adaption where the body is burning through fat stores.

The result of fat adaption is improved lean body tissue, better brain function, overall satiety and well-being, improved energy and more restful sleep among other things. You become fat adapted by building all your meals around good fats sources such as avocados, coconut oil, olive oil, pastured butter, nuts and seeds and organ meats.

This nutrition plan has good fat sources making up 60-80 percent of total calories. Protein makes up 10-25 percent of calories based on physical demands. Someone who is exercising more intensely will need about 20-25 percent of calories from protein whereas someone is sedentary or doing lighter forms of exercise who should be on 10-15 percent of calories from protein. Carbohydrates make up around 10-15 percent of total calories.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/043922_ketosis_ketogenic_diet_weight_loss.html?utm_content=buffer808a9&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer#ixzz2uGcdJlc6

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The Secret Ingredient to Stubborn Weight Loss

by Mark Hyman on Feb 21, 2013

One of the perks of writing a book about sound medical solutions to common health complaints is that I have an opportunity to reach so many people from so many places on the globe.  In the release of my latest book, The Blood Sugar Solution, I have been inspired by countless tales of the human body’s empowered healing from the debilitating effects of insulin resistance and unruly inflammation in each system of the body.

I feel such joy every time I hear feedback from a reader or a patient about his or her success on the program.  It’s not egotistical joy necessarily, although my passion for Functional Medicine certainly fills me with happiness.  Rather, it’s pure gratitude for your willingness to make an effort at restoring your health by honoring the most natural and basic laws of the human body.
Remove unnecessary stressors, seek balance, and strive for enjoyment on your ever-changing quest for health and vitality.   
While most of you will undoubtedly experience remarkable recovery for your enthusiasm of life via improved health and even complete disease reversal, some of you will get stuck.  Try as hard as you might to follow my recommendations precisely, to  miss not one workout, to take each supplement I suggest and even set up appointments with your local Functional Medicine provider- something inside of you simply won’t budge.

Maybe you’re still tired? Experiencing brain fog? Feeling anxious or depressed?  Unable to get your blood sugars down?  I’ve heard it all.  Yet the most emotion and frustration tends to come from those people who are striving to lose weight.

Weight gain and stubborn weight loss are often symptoms of something deeper occurring beneath the surface in a body and mind miscommunication.  My programs often allude to weight loss as an added benefit but not necessarily the primary task.

This is because weight is like a secret message the body uses to alert us to the inflammation burning within.  While it isn’t always pretty and certainly is not always healthy, there is much wisdom in its message.

If we listen carefully, our body speaks to us and provides us with the exact information we need in order to reach our individual health goals.  I realize that for many of you, achieving your weight loss goal is your #1 priority and until you succeed, it may be difficult to see that weight, in some ways, is merely a symptom.

So let’s dive into this and talk about how you can use your own body to magically transform your entire relationship with food and outlook on life!

Slow Down, Tune In and Let Go

In 1975, Herbert Benson released his groundbreaking work on the effects of stress on the body in his book called, The Relaxation Response.  It’s no wonder this Harvard-trained cardiologist has touched the lives of millions world-wide with his pioneering mind-body medicine.

While stress is natural, it is the way in which we handle stress that tends to predict health outcomes.  Studies reveal that the more we can engage our parasympathetic nervous system, the healthier we will be.  Under this state, the body can effectively rest and digest.

This time of repair and renewal allows us to automatically harmonize the systems of our body to work together and balance The 7 Keys of UltraWellness.  Conversely, when the sympathetic nervous system is chronically engaged we exist in a constant state of stress which has ultimately led to the current epidemic of stress-related chronic diseases.

Consider there is a continuum of stress and relaxation similar to insulin resistance.  We all fall somewhere on this spectrum in any given moment. Each of us has the power to modulate our experience of both by realizing the power we have to tune in to a deeper part of ourselves.

But first, let’s understand how stress is the barrier between you and stubborn weight loss.

How Stress Impacts Your Metabolism
The top five factors are:

  1. The body shifts into survival mode under stress and your digestive tract literally shuts down.  This means that there can be a shortage of the necessary enzymes, bacteria and acids required for proper digestion, absorption and metabolism.  Clearly, when the body does not receive the nutrition it needs to function properly it will remain “hungry.”  You might be reaching for food out of malnutrition even if your intake is excessive! Secondly, all that rancid and decaying food – poorly digested stuff that is sitting in your gut, leads to gut permeability, dysbiosis (an imbalance in gut flora) and inflammation. This “leaky gut” syndrome is responsible for a plethora of conditions running the gamut from weight gain, hormone imbalance and autoimmune conditions to bloating, cramping and socially uncomfortable odoriferous gas.
  2. The stress response un-regulates the sympathetic nervous system and increases the dominant stress hormone, cortisol.  Cortisol not only increases insulin which can inhibit weight loss and actually increase belly fat, but also disengages your brain circuitry.  An increase in cortisol dampens your ability to receive pleasure and satisfaction from food.  Stress literally hijacks your brain! This makes complete sense.  There are times when we need our stress hormones to protect our life from grave danger such as running from a bear and we certainly don’t want to perceive that delectable looking plate of savory food as being more salient than defending our life! The problem is that in this modern lifestyle we don’t necessarily face blood-thirsty animals or the type of threat that warrants this chronic state of heightened re-activity.
  3. The stress response increases the excretion of valuable nutrients we need for our brain to tell us when we have eaten enough or that we need more or less of certain nutrients.  I often see patients who complain of binge eating or out of control food cravings, who lack essential fats, micro-nutrients and certain B vitamins. While we can certainly boost our nutrition status via eating whole foods and appropriate supplementation, it is equally as important and effective to diminish our cravings by getting to the root of the issue and calling out our stress! Manage stress properly and watch as your levels of calcium, magnesium, chromium, selenium, zinc, B Vitamins stabilize; your antioxidant status improve; and your food cravings vanish.  Stress washes these away but leaves disease ashore. It is no coincidence that stress goes hand in hand with osteoporosis and blood sugar imbalances- two major conditions present in our culture which depend on proper mineral status, among other important nutrients, for healing and prevention.
  4. Levels of potentially inflammatory cholesterol, glucose, triglycerides, sodium and insulin increase while valuable hormones necessary for weight loss and lean body mass, such as human growth hormone and thyroid hormone, decrease under stress. If you want to get rid of that stubborn belly fat you will need to prevent oxidation and inflammation from running rampant!
  5. Stress can be real or perceived which means it is solely part of our unique dispositions to interpret one thing as stressful and another as not.  Another person may find that the same thing which causes you stress may not elicit the stress response for them. Because so much of our world is construed by our thoughts and judgments, it is of the utmost significance to appreciate the value our thoughts have on our health.  You literally can increase your metabolism by inspiring your daily life with a positive outlook or a peaceful agreement within yourself  not to speak negatively or cast judgment. Each time we say something such as “I’m too fat,” or “I will never control these cravings,” or “I’m never going to manage my annoying bloat”, our stress hormones and cortisol flood the system and weaken our fat burning capacity.

Tune In to Let Go…

The next time you eat, ask yourself if you are about to eat under stress.  Note how you feel by checking in with your breath- is it shallow or deep? Get in touch with your heart rate and see if you can find a way to use your breath to slow it down and relax your pulse.
Is your mind racing and do you have stressful thoughts running it?  Are you excited about your food or are you feeling guilty or concerned about what is in front of you? Do you feel calm or restless?
All of these questions are the beginning of embarking on an understanding of how you relate to food.  The funny thing is, how we each relate to food tells us a lot about how we approach life and what we want out of it.  The next time you catch yourself eating under stress, follow these guidelines:

  1. Start each meal with 3 deep belly breaths.  For a thorough explanation on how to calm your mind and relax your body please check out my article on meditation.
  2. Observe your thoughts about yourself and the food you are about to eat.  Remember, judging your food as good or bad essentially begs the idea that you too are either good or bad.  While a diet based on whole, fresh, real, organic, local and seasonal foods is best, there will be times when you will want a treat, a “recreational food” or you will be offered a food you may think of as “bad.”  Imagine the difference in digestion you would experience if the next time you ate your favorite food or any food under a relaxed state where you savored each bite and didn’t have to rush through it out of guilt, worry, or self doubt about willpower! I’d rather see you eat all food under the optimal state of digestion and absorption so that you best metabolize and utilize your nutrients.
  3. When you eat, do so with willing attention toward your food.  In fact, do as my friend Marc David suggests and eat soulfully, not just mindfully. Marc runs the Institute for the Psychology of Eating.  Learn more about this unique style of nutrition. Soulful eating allows you a whole-body experience that celebrates your innate desire to seek pleasure from food and not stop until you receive the right amount.  Mentally and soulfully reap nourishment from your food before, during and even after your meal by doing this:

  • Savor the flavor: Notice the texture and aroma of each bite to get the most flavor. Is it sweet, salty, spicy, crunchy, sour, bitter, or smooth?
  • Observe: Notice your body – is your belly gurgling with hunger?  Or are you completely stuffed? Are you stressed or calm and what could you do in that moment to increase relaxation?
  • Be Present: Sit down while you eat, turn off all media or keep it in another room and simply eat while you are eating-nothing else!
  • Resist Judgment: Let go of the urge to engage in negative self-talk and eat with compassion, respect, and gratitude toward your body. Notice when “should” or rigid rules pop into your mind and be aware of any guilt that comes up for you around certain foods.  Now is not the time to criticize-now is the time to calm your mind, slow the chatter and be present in your body.
  • Awareness: Notice the difference the next time you drift off during a meal.  Bring yourself back to the moment and taste each bite. Maximize your pleasure!
See your symptoms as hidden messages from your inner world trying to tell you to listen- don’t dismiss them.  By dismissing these clues or worse, beating yourself up over them, we lose the opportunity to tune in and do the real work of unlocking the mysterious barriers to our unsolved health conditions.

These clues are, in essence, your inner Doctor taking residence within each cell of your body saying “Hey you! Something isn’t right with this stress you’re putting on us, and I can’t take it anymore – I’m falling apart. You gotta help. I’m trying to send you some signals…please “see” them!”

Examining your stress and seeing its impact on your metabolism will work well for many of you.  But I wouldn’t be surprised if some of you are wondering about how to get out of the mind and venture to the stress taking place in the heart.

Emotional eating has become ubiquitous in our fast-paced culture which honors quantity over quality, willpower more than pleasurable nourishment and the dollar more than humanity.  How can you fully let go and tune in when your heart is desperate for a different culture but your mind is living in this one?

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Top 5 Hormone Disruptors

Thursday, February 13, 2014 by: Derek Henry

We live on a planet that has completely destroyed the delicate dynamic that is our hormones. This imbalance has created sleep disorders, anxiety, weight gain, skin problems, cancers, and much more. So what has caused our hormones to become so disrupted, and how can we get the offenders out of our life?

There has been a war on BPA, and for good reason. This chemical used in plastics imitates the sex hormone estrogen in your body, which can result in cancers, obesity, heart disease, and more. According to government testing, 93 percent of people have some level of BPA in their body!

To ditch this hormone disruptor, avoid:

  • Plastics marked with a "PC" (polycarbonate), or recycling label #7.
  • Foods that come in a can as they are often lined with BPA, unless specifically stated otherwise.
  • Drinking water out of plastic bottles. Purchase or use glass bottles instead.

The deadly side effects of mercury are starting to become more well known, and is found in many different places, most notably in vaccinations, mercury fillings, and seafood. Pregnant women are most at risk due to mercury concentrating in the fetal brain, interfering with brain development.

Mercury also binds to a hormone that regulates women's menstrual cycle and ovulation, interfering with signaling pathways. It also may play a role in diabetes, as it damages cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, which our body uses to metabolize sugar.

To cut out this hormone disruptor from your life, avoid:

  • Vaccinations and shots containing mercury
  • Mercury fillings
  • Farmed salmon or seafood

Arsenic has always been known as a deadly toxin that you do not want to consume in any amount. Yet, it has been found in our drinking water and food, with the most recent discovery pointing out that it is in chicken, due to it being placed in their feed to increase their growth more quickly.

Arsenic interferes with normal hormone functioning in the glucocorticoid system that regulates how we process sugar and carbohydrates. If you disrupt this system, you could see weight gain, a suppressed immune system, insulin resistance, osteoporosis, and high blood pressure.

To lower your exposure to this deadly hormone disruptor, avoid:
Conventionally raised chicken on factory farms.
Drinking any water that hasn't went through a proper filtration process.

Lead harms almost every organ system in the body and has been linked to negative health effects like brain damage, premature births, kidney damage, and nervous system problems.

Research has shown that lead lowers our sex hormone levels, and interferes with our ability to handle stress. This can lead to other stress related issues like high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression.

To get rid of the lead in your life, avoid:

  • Homes or buildings that contain lead based paint (homes built in 1978 or earlier).
  • Drinking any water that hasn't went through a proper filtration process.
Organophosphate pesticides
Used to target the destruction of the nervous systems of insects, organophosphate pesticides are among the most common pesticides used today. They have been negatively linked to improper brain development, decreased fertility, lowered testosterone, and altered thyroid levels.

The best way to avoid these foods is to eat organic, or choose those pieces of produce that have the fewest pesticide residues like asparagus, avocados, cabbage, grapefruit, kiwi, mango, mushrooms, onions, pineapples and sweet potatoes.

This is a short list of hormone disruptors, as dioxins, atrazine, phthalates, perchlorate, fire retardants, PFC's, and glycol ethers have also been shown to disrupt various hormones in the body.

It's time to get these substances out of your life, and to complete a proper protocol to get them out of your body for good.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/043894_hormone_disruptors_BPA_endocrine_system.html?utm_content=buffer307be&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer#ixzz2uGW84BJ0

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Fight Cancer with Organic Green Shakes!

Saturday, February 08, 2014 by: S. D. Wells

So many people make good health a complicated matter by polluting their bodies with processed foods, irradiated foods, genetically modified foods, gluten, bleached foods, hormone-laden meats and milk, and a host of other toxic products that punish the body instead of rewarding it for doing work for you. Your body wakes up in the morning and your organs want food. They do not want food that comes from laboratories or factories that cook it to death and plug in additives and cell-choking preservatives. Your body is a machine, and it needs clean oil, meaning organic fuel, to run smoothly.

This is fairly simple. You take a handful of organic spinach, some organic rice milk or almond milk, half of an organic apple and a little ice (from non-fluoridated water), and you blend it up in a smoothie maker, a NutriBullet or even a good blender, although blenders don't break up the greens so well (http://www.youtube.com).

The best green shakes contain kale, spinach, collard, chard or romaine. You should rotate your greens regularly. Other good mixes for these shakes include pears, bananas, mangos, pineapples and spring water. Top it off with organic lemon or lime juice! Almond milk and rice milk are always smart alternatives to using dairy. You can juice vegetables also and add the juice to smoothies; plus, you can always save the vegetable pulp and use it in a casserole, serve it on top of basmati rice or quinoa, use it as toppings for salads or even as compost in your garden. Also, drink plenty of organic carrot juice and organic beet juice and eat raw organic cruciferous vegetables consistently.

Arm yourself with organic weapons that destroy cancer cells!
1. Fight skin cancer with raw foods: Check out coconut oil, organic honey, organic cinnamon and organic garlic and your taste buds will thank you right before your body thanks you. (http://www.cancertutor.com)

2. Fight lung cancer and inflammation: RejuvenZyme and Barley Power are two superb enzyme supplements. Both of these products are highly endorsed to reduce swelling, inflammation and congestion in the lungs. The enzymes in RejuvenZyme will also help the immune system recognize cancer cells as cancer cells.

3. Fight breast cancer with kale salad: (http://breastcancerconqueror.com) Who knew? They won't say it on TV or the "Nightly News" or they'll lose their sponsors. We all know what we're talking about, though. Why is that? Are you afraid that food can't cure your cell disorder because they don't say it on TV or on organic food labels? That's because the FDA outlaws it. There is a lot more money to be made off sick people than healthy ones, don't you know? Why won't organic herbs and tinctures come as a "prescription"? Hundreds of thousands of health enthusiasts know the answer to this question, but the tens of millions of average "Joes" have no clue. Bottom line: "Don't eat cancer" and it won't eat you. (http://programs.webseed.com)

Did you know that six months of chemo can cost $50,000, and a five-week course of radiation can cost $60,000 or more? One single surgery to remove a tumor can set you back $40,000. It's mostly a scam too, because all of these procedures can easily spread new cancers, but people are finding out via natural and alternative news.

Never doubt the power of organic food to heal
So then, what holds people back from putting the truth to work for themselves, as preventive medicine? What holds people back from dispelling the myths and digging up the cure, literally, from an organic garden, and putting it to use? The cure for this chemically driven cell disorder is growing in organic soil, and it comes from organic seeds, but you need to turn off the TV to hear it and set down the corporate ad-filled magazines to read it. When will the tens of millions of people living in the dark ages finally tune in with the hundreds of thousands (maybe tens of millions now) of Natural News enthusiasts and change their ways to healthy living?

Are you one of those people who think that organic is more expensive (because you don't factor in the cost of healthcare as result of conventional toxic foods)? Have you considered starting your own organic garden, or making the one you have magnificent? Follow these simple steps to growing greens at home:

Alkalizing the body to prevent disease and sickness
By alkalizing your body with healthy organic greens, you are providing your cells with oxygen and beating back free radicals and other harmful carcinogens that can lead to cancer and so many other diseases. This is preventive "medicine," though no product or distributor can ever say it on the label, for fear that the FDA will come shut them down.

Never underestimate the healing power of organic fruits and vegetables. Change your ways now. End the gluten nightmare. End the GMO nightmare. Stop eating processed foods, refined sugars and artificial sweeteners. Maintain perfect balance in your body, the temple of your soul.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/043835_green_shakes_cancer_prevention_vegetable_juicing.html?utm_content=buffer2dd69&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer#ixzz2uGTbDMP7

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Cure Pneumonia Naturally with Vitamin C

Wednesday, February 05, 2014 by Yanjun

Pneumonia is the eighth killer disease in the world. It is caused by both bacteria and viruses. One is likely to get the disease after having a cold or a flu infection. Pneumonia caused by a virus can be very dangerous because it cannot be cured by antibiotics. No matter the amount of antibiotics you use, it will do nothing to cure the disease. Doctors give antibiotics just in case there is any secondary infection caused by bacteria. The good news is that pneumonia can now be prevented, and even cured naturally with high doses of vitamin C.

Cured in three hours
According to Dr. Andrew Saul, author of a world renowned book by the title, Fire Your Doctor and Doctor Yourself, taking the required amount of vitamin C will cure your flu infection. He further says that the amount of vitamin C you require varies with how sick you are. The more ill you are, the more the amount of vitamin C you will require to cure yourself. He advises that you should take the amount that will get the job done, which could be much, much more than you expected. Dr Saul says that he took 2000 milligrams of vitamin C every six minutes he was awake. That is 20,000 milligrams of vitamin C in an hour. Despite him coughing a lot, he continued taking his dose and after three hours his fever dropped by three degrees and his cough reduced.

The infant
Dr. Saul also gives a case of a one-year old infant who had been very sick. It had been given 11 full courses of antibiotics within 12 months with no positive results. If you give antibiotics over and over again, they are not going to work. If it didn't work the first three months, it will never work. Dr Saul advised the child's father who was very desperate to do anything, to give his child high doses of vitamin C. The parents didn't know the amount of doses to give the child. They were advised to give it as many doses as are required to cure the infant. The parents gave 20,000 milligrams of vitamin C to the infant. The infant slept throughout the night and the symptoms improved.

From the life supporting machine
The case of Mr. Allan Smith, a farmer in New Zealand, is another inspiring one. He had fallen ill from double pneumonia and leukemia. The doctors were about to pull the plug from his life supporting machine but his family insisted that they first try high doses of vitamin C. The doctors agreed and after administering mega doses of vitamin C, Allan walked out of hospital.

Therefore, the next time you have a cold, flu or are attacked with pneumonia and you ran out of options, try high doses of vitamin C. They work so well that you will never go for the flu shots anymore.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/043786_vitamin_c_mega_dosing_doctor_yourself.html?utm_content=buffer25883&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer#ixzz2uGRXMMiL

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Human HPV and Throat/Oral Cancer Frequently Asked Questions

Center for Head and Neck Cancer

What is Human Papillomavirus (HPV)?
Human Papilomavirus or HPV is a small sized DNA virus that infects skin and wet surfaces of the body like the mouth, vagina, cervix and anus. There are more than 100 different types of HPV. The most common types are found on the skin and appear as warts seen on the hand. Some HPV types also infect the genital areas of males and females. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), genital HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the US and worldwide. There are at least 40 HPV types that can affect the genital areas. Some of these are “low-risk” and cause genital warts while “high-risk” types can cause cervical or other types of genital cancer. The high-risk HPV types may also cause a form of throat cancer, called oropharyngeal cancer, which is becoming more common in the US and Europe.

How prevalent is HPV-positive throat cancer?
Over the past decade there has been at least a four- to five-fold increase in the number of oropharynx cancers in the US. The oropharynx includes the tonsils and the base of the tongue. The increase in these cancers is a result of HPV infection. Almost all of these cancers are caused by HPV16, a subtype of the HPV virus. Research indicates that approximately 70 percent of cases of oropharynx cancer is caused by HPV16. These cancers have the HPV16 virus detectable in the tumor.,The number of HPV positive cancers of the tonsil and base of tongue (oropharyngeal cancer) is rising quickly. Several studies evaluating the prevalence of active oral HPV infection have found that three to five percent of adolescents and five to 10 percent of adults have an active HPV infection. More than 3% of adult men and 1% of adult woman have HPV16 detectable in their saliva at any one time. In contrast to active infection, estimates are that 90 percent of adults have been exposed to HPV16 and 70% have evidence of infection as demonstrated by the presence of HPV16 antibodies in their blood.

Why is HPV-positive throat cancer becoming more prevalent?
The epidemiology of oral HPV infection is not well understood. However, HPV viruses have long been known to be present in the genital area and to be a significant cause of cervical, vulvar, penile, and anogenital cancer. It is believed that an increased number of people are engaging in sexual activity with multiple partners and engage in oral sex practices and as a result are contracting HPV in the head and neck region, resulting in a higher rate of oropharynx cancers.

Who is at risk for HPV infection and throat cancer?
HPV is a sexually transmitted infection. The number of lifetime sexual partners is an important risk factor for the development of HPV-positive throat cancer. Research has shown that:

  • The odds of HPV-positive throat cancer doubled in individuals who reported between one and five lifetime oral sexual partner
  • The risk increased five-fold in those patients with six or more oral sexual partners compared with those who have not had oral sex

It is important to know that HPV-positive throat cancer also occurs in individuals who report few sexual partners and that this is the largest group that get HPV+ oropharynx cancer. We are not sure what is leads to the development of cancer and whether there are other factors. Almost everyone is infected with HPV16 at some point in their lives so the relationship between HPV16 infection, sexual activity, and getting cancer is more comoplex then simple exposure. We do not know what those additional risk factors are yet. . What we do now is that getting HPV+ oropharynx cancer does not indicate a history of increased sexual activity or multiple partners, Rather, sexual activity with multiple partners increases risk.

What are the symptoms of HPV-positive throat cancer?
Symptoms include hoarseness, pain or difficulty swallowing, pain while chewing, a lump in the neck, a feeling of apersistent lump in the throat, change in voice, or non-healing sores on the neck. If you have any of these symptoms, speak with your doctor or visit the Ear, Nose, and Throat/Head and Neck Surgery Service Area to schedule an appointment.
If HPV is a sexually transmitted infection, are there other ways to contract the virus?
Researchers are still evaluating the various ways HPV can be transmitted. There have been reports of HPV transmission through what is referred to as “deep french kissing.” It may also be possible for the virus to be transmitted to an infant through the infected mother’s cervical canal. Virus could also be transmitted by hand to mouth contact in the context of sexual activity.

Should I get vaccinated?
All cases of cervical cancer are derived from HPV. Two vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix, have been developed to protect against high risk HPV infection. The vaccine is administered in three doses over a six-month period. Currently, the vaccine is approved for males and females ages nine-26. There is no evidence that vaccinating adults, most of whom have had infection, will be protected from the development of cancer. This vaccine prevents infection, it does not treat adults who are already infected.

How are HPV-positive cancers treated?
HPV-positive throat cancer has been demonstrated to respond very well to almost all forms of therapy, including surgery, external beam radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. New technologies have been developed that greatly improve treatment, survival and side effects. For early cancers, the use of robotic surgery followed by a course of radiation treatment has had positive outcomes. At Mount Sinai, the use of robotic surgery and radiation, with no chemotherapy required, resulted in three-year survival rates of 90 percent, and significantly improve patient quality of life. In more advanced cases combinations of chemotherapy and radiation have lead to more than 80% cure rates. Mount Sinai is currently testing ways to reduce radiation therapy to patients with this diagnosis to improve side effects.

How does the robotic procedure work? What are the benefits?
Mount Sinai is one of very few centers in the country that use a robot to safely remove tumors, especially those growing in challenging locations. Robotic surgery is far less invasive than non-robotic tumor surgeries, greatly minimizing complications and recovery time—and maximizing quality of life after surgery. Quality of life data and the data produced by others demonstrates that patients treated with transoral robotic surgery and deescalated adjuvant therapy have a significantly improved quality of life, oral function, diet, and less long-term toxicity. As a result, Mount Sinai is dedicated to treating patients with HPV-positive throat cancer using this protocol in an effort to improve survival outcomes and decrease short-term and long-term toxicity. Studies to determine if early stage patients can avoid radiotherapy after surgery are being developed.

What is the long-term prognosis for people with HPV-positive throat cancer?
While the prevalence of throat cancer derived from HPV is steadily increasing, data suggest that it is easily treated. Patients with HPV-positive throat cancer have a disease-free survival rate of 85-90 percent over five years. This is in contrast to the traditional patient population of excessive smokers and drinkers with advanced disease who have a five- year survival rate of approximately 25- 40 percent.

My significant other is genital HPV positive yet has no history of cervical cancer, can I get throat cancer by kissing her or having oral sex with her?
Transmission occurs through sexual contact and partners have routinely exchanged virus early in their relationship. Hence it is unlikely that changing your sexual behavior with your partner will change your risk of HPV related cancer.

Do men or women get this more frequently?
Cases of this cancer are much more frequent in men. At Mount Sinai the ratio between men with this and women is roughly six or seven to one. The average age of a patient with this is 40-55, a decade younger than the traditional “smoker/drinker” patient with throat cancer.

Why are men at higher risk for this cancer?
The prevalence and manifestation of this virus is much higher in the genitalia of women because of their anatomical make-up. Pap smears have changed the risk of cervical cancer and transmission to the oropharynx in women because of the earlier exposure in the cervix.

Is there a way to determine if I am oral HPV-positive?
Not yet. Scientists are working on a diagnostic test, but there is nothing commercially available. These tests are very difficult, expensive and unreliable. Currently they are only useful for research purposes.

Who should get screened?
People with a history of tobacco or alcohol use, a history of oral lesions or exposure to radiation therapy, and those with symptoms should be screened. Symptoms to be aware of include hoarseness, pain on swallowing, difficulty swallowing, pain on chewing, a sense of a lump in the throat, a change in voice, a lump in the neck, or non-healing sores.

How do I get screened for HPV- positive throat cancer?
Getting screened is quick and painless. After a physical examination of the mouth, Doctors place a very thin, flexible telescope, the size of a piece of spaghetti, with a miniature camera on its tip, into the nose to examine the back of the throat and base of tongue, the larynx and the vocal cords.

Where did I get HPV from?
It is difficult without specific DNA viral typing to determine who transmitted the virus or where the virus was acquired.

Can the vaccine be used as treatment if I already have HPV-positive throat cancer?
No. Patients with known HPV-positive throat cancer do not appear to benefit from vaccination as the vaccination is used for prevention, not treatment.

What new research is ongoing to better understand and prevent HPV-positive throat cancer?
The Mount Sinai Health System is studying the immune response to the virus and transmission through the HOTSPOT study and the Immune Monitoring Study. We are developing a screening test and vaccine strategies to test HPV vaccines. We are opening two trials, the Quarterback Trial (for patients with advanced oropharynx cancer, to study how to reduce radiotherapy for patients) and the SIRS trials (to investigate whether radiotherapy is necessary after surgery for early oropharynx cancers).

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10 Cool Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

by Nicole Nichols

Winter is in full force. As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, even the best of us can get a little down. The "winter blues" are characterized by the mild depression, lack of motivation, and low energy that many people experience during this cold season. Luckily, there’s a lot you can do to both prevent the blues from coming on and get yourself back to normal if they’re already here.

1. Exercise
As if we needed another reason to get fit! Exercise isn’t only for maintaining your weight and staying healthy. It’s great for relieving the stresses of life. Plus, the effects of a good workout can last for several hours after you hit the showers. You’ll have more energy throughout the day, and your metabolism with stay elevated too. Exercise also helps your mind by releasing those "feel good chemicals" that improve your mood. 

2. Eat a Healthy Diet
What and when you eat has a great affect on your mood and energy. Avoid refined and processed foods (like white breads, rice, and sugar). These foods are not only devoid of the nutrients your body craves, but they zap your energy levels and can affect your mood—causing depression, lack of concentration, and mood swings. Try to incorporate more complex carbohydrates (whole wheat breads, brown rice, veggies, fruit) and get your daily 8 cups of water. These healthy foods provide your body (and mind) with nutrients, and stabilize your blood sugar and your energy levels. 

3. Get Some Sun
Most people know that sunlight provides us with Vitamin D. But did you know that it also improves your mood? Winter days are shorter and darker than other months, and because of the cold weather, a lot of people spend less and less time outdoors. Lack of sunlight can cause many people to become depressed—without knowing why! Similar to exercise, sunlight exposure releases neurotransmitters in the brain that affect mood. Try to spend a little more time outdoors.  Keep your shades up during the day to let more light in. Sit near windows in restaurants and during class. Try changing the light bulbs in your house to "full spectrum" bulbs. These mimic natural light and actually have the same affects on your mind as the real thing. 

4. Act on your Resolutions
A recent study from the CDC showed a strong link between healthy behaviors and depression. Women who exhibited healthy behaviors (like exercising, not smoking, etc.) had less sad and depressed days than those whose behaviors were less than healthy. Although researchers studied women, the results are likely similar in men. 

5. Avoid Binge Drinking
Staying in with a cold beer or a nice glass of wine may seem like the only thing to do in the winter months, and many people who feel down also tend to turn to alcohol when they’re feeling down. But alcohol is actually a depressant, and rather than improving your mood, it only makes it worse. Avoiding alcohol when you are already depressed is a good idea. Moderate drinking is fine for most people, but binge drinking (defined as having 5 or more drinks in one sitting) is never a healthy choice. The morning after will have you feeling sick, depressed, and even more tired, which will affect many aspects of your life. This will make your low energy and bad mood even worse. 

6. Treat Yourself
Having something to look forward to can keep anyone motivated. Winter seems endless! But if you plan something exciting, your mood improves when you’re anticipating it and when the event actually comes. Plan something that’s exciting to you—a weekend trip, a day at the spa, a party (but keep #5 above in mind), or special event like a play, girls (or guys) night out, or sporting event. 

7. Relax!
You’re busy! Work, class, family, friends, appointments, meetings—even if you enjoy being busy, everyone needs some time off. Don’t be afraid to say "No" to extra opportunities (covering a shift for a co-worker, bringing food to your son’s class party). Try to spend a few minutes each day doing nothing! Read a book or magazine, sleep in on the weekend, go to bed early, try some meditations, or take a yoga class. Relaxation, especially in the form of yoga, can alleviate stress and leave you with a calm energy. Mental exercises like meditation and positive thinking can help keep depression at bay. 

8. Embrace the Season
Instead of always avoiding the cold and the snow—look for the best that it has to offer! Take up a winter sport like ice skating, snowboarding, hockey, or even sledding! Enjoy these opportunities while they last—after all, they’re only here a few months per year. Staying active will boost your energy. Seeing winter in a positive light, with all the fun activities that it has to offer, will keep your spirits high. 

9. Get Social Support
Don’t underestimate the power of friends, family, mentors, co-workers, and neighbors. Who can you turn to when you’re down and need a pick-me-up? Keep a mental list of these special people and don’t be afraid to ask for help or encouragement when you need it. Something as simple as a phone call, a chat over coffee, or a nice email or letter can brighten your mood. 

10. Catch some Zzzz’s
People naturally want to sleep a little bit more during the winter. But with all we have going on, sometimes sleep is the first thing to go. With a little time management, and some self-discipline, you can meet your shut-eye needs. Aim for 7-8 hours each night, and try to keep your bedtime and waking time consistent. That way, your sleeping patterns can normalize and you’ll have more energy. Try not to oversleep—those 12-hour snoozes on the weekend can actually make you MORE tired. Don’t forget naps! A short (10-30 minute) afternoon nap may be all you need to re-energize midday.

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Juicing 101: Why Do It, Which Juicers are Best, Recipes to Try

2/3/14 by Melanie Christner
Editor’s Note: I’ve written before how juicing saved my life back in my twenties when I was constantly traveling and experiencing health challenges as a result.  In this latest post on boosting immunity, Melanie Christner describes the background of juicing and how and why it can literally save your life plus some yummy combinations to try and an overview of the best juicers on the market.
Don’t forget that Melanie’s class on the GAPS Diet starts soon. Find out more by clicking here if doing GAPS to reverse autoimmune disease is something you’re considering this year plus you will get a free 30 Day Prep Guide for GAPS!

What To Do?
…when we breathe, bathe, ingest, walk on, cook with, drive in, & live in toxic chemicals…from the carpets our babies crawl on…to the fillings in our teeth, and the lotions we put on our skin? It can be maddening. Heavy metals, petrochemicals & other toxins are pervasive in our human domains, settling unwelcome, into our tissues & brains…and overwhelming our immune systems.
These toxins don’t just hang out. To quote Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, author of Gut And Psychology Syndrome, “Stored toxicity does not just sit silently in the tissues of our bodies. It causes symptoms of chronic diseases and lays down the ground for cancer formation”.
So along with reducing our toxic exposure in general, we need to be regularly removing the toxins that are stored in our bodies, consequently reducing our risk of chronic diseases like cancer in a significant way.

There is a great way to help remove these toxins…and kids even LIKE it.
Juicing is a practice that has been around for a very long time. Dr. Norman Walker is credited with designing the first commercial juicer in the early 1900’s, but extracting juice from fruits and vegetables goes back to ancient times.
Hundreds of studies have been done on the benefits of raw fruits and vegetables.
Documentaries have been made (such as “The Gerson Miracle” and “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead”)
And there are wellness centers, such as the Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute, Hippocrates Health Institute, & Optimum Health Center, with a focus on therapeutic juicing.
Juicing is also an important part of the detoxification component of the GAPS™ Diet protocol and is Number 4 in the Top 10 Immunity Boosters.

What are the benefits of juicing?
Full of nutrients: Raw fruits and vegetables are known for being a great source of vitamins, antioxidants, chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals like magnesium/selenium/zinc, enzymes, and (importantly) phytonutrients (key tools against cancer)
Detox & chelate: By juicing fruits & vegetables, their nutrients are extracted in large & concentrated quantities and help flush out toxins that have accumulated.
Improve our electrical function: Juicing helps to clear toxic blockages, so that electrical and chemical processes can happen more efficiently, resulting in better cellular communication and function
Help cancer & disease: Each plant contains different phyto-chemicals that act in their own way against cancer & disease…its important to vary the juicing menu.
Soften gallstones: Fresh pressed juices soften and dissolve gallstones over time, and if appropriate fats are included in the diet (see GAPS milkshake recipe below) then the liver/gallbladder will be stimulated to expel the softened stones for elimination
Give digestion a break: Digestion is a huge task for the body. Juices are absorbed in 20 – 25 minutes, with little work on the part of the digestive system.
pH: When part of a balanced whole food diet, they nicely balance the pH of meats, eggs, dairy, etc.
Good for compromised digestive systems: Those with wounded digestive systems have a difficult time with fiber. Juicing removes this fiber and helps healing take place.

How should I do juice?
  1. The most important thing about juicing is to only consume your juices freshly pressed and raw. Store bought juices (unless they are juicing it right in front of you at the organic cafe) are damaged with pasteurizing, added sugar & preservatives. Optimally you want to drink within 20 minutes for the best nutrient content, as the juice will start to oxidize and lose nutrients. If you DO refrigerate, store it in a mason jar with lid screwed on tight, and try to drink it the same day. (For example, you could juice enough for 2 glasses in the day, consuming one fresh, and one later from the refrigerator).
  2. Start small (remember they are detoxing!) and work up to 2 glasses a day. 1 – 2 glasses a day should be consumed for maintenance of good health, while 4 glasses a day is therapeutic.
  3. Drink on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning and in afternoon before dinner
  4. Use a 3:1 ratio of veggies to fruit, or at least 50/50 of tasty to therapeutic ingredients. Tasty ingredients would be carrots, apples, pineapples, while therapeutic would be leafy greens, beets, cucumbers, etc.
  5. Beets are wonderfully therapeutic and great for the liver and gallbladder. Keep the beets close to a 5% portion of your juice though, at least starting out.
There are many different combinations, with different combinations being better for certain situations. Our family’s favorite all purpose juice combination is the GAPS™ milkshake (recipe below).
Here are some other combinations:
Pineapple+carrot+small amount of beet = in morning, stimulates stomach acid for digestion, & pancreatic enzymes
Carrot+celery+apple+beet = great liver cleanser
Spinach*+lettuce+parsley+dill+carrot & beet tops+tomatoes+lemon = good for magnesium, iron & heavy metal chelators
A basic standby green juice* from The Prescription for Nutritional Healing is:
4 – 5 carrots, 3 sprigs fresh parsley, 1 large handful kale*, 1 beet including tops, 1 clove peeled garlic, 1/4 head cabbage
* Please note that green juices from vegetables high in oxalates can trigger or exacerbate kidney stones and other ailments in susceptible individuals.  Be careful and use in moderation.

What about blood sugar?
There are some concerned that juicing will spike their blood sugar, and that can be true if you are making your juices too sweet, or not adding any fats & proteins to even out the carbs. A great way to remedy this is to make something like the GAPS™ milkshake. To quote Dr. Natasha:
GAPS Milkshake: make a juice from a mixture of fruit and vegetables, add 1-2 raw eggs (both the yolk and the white) and a large dollop of raw sour cream (if sour cream was not introduced yet, use coconut oil) and whisk the whole thing. It will turn into a delicious ‘milkshake’. The fats and protein balance the sugars in the juice, keeping the blood sugar under control. The juices of apple, celery, beetroot and other vegetables soften the gallbladder stones over time, while the fat provides gentle stimulation to the liver to squeeze these stones out. Start this milkshake from a few tablespoons per day and gradually increase to 2 glasses per day: first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and middle of afternoon.
This is our family’s favorite drink in the mornings (and makes this mama feel like Mrs. Incredible)

A brief summary of juicers:
There are numerous juicers out there, the main differences being how much juice is extracted and how much oxidizing happens during the juicing process. Here are the main types as referenced in Kris Carr’s (juicing extraordinaire) handbook on juicing, with  recommended brands in each category:
Good – Centrifugal: Best price point. Usually have a wider mouth and are easier to clean. With their high speed spinning, juice will not last as long and this is the juice that you want to consume within about 20 minutes (at least within the day). Breville or Omega
Better – Masticating: Lower speed spinning, less oxidizing, juice lasts a bit longer in a tightly sealed jar, up to 1 – 2 days. Champion or Hurom Slow Juicer
Best – Twin Gear Masticating: Even lower speed, can handle fibrous veggies like wheatgrass, make nutbutters, and juices can last up to 72 hours in the fridge. More cleanup and more counter top space taken up. Green Star or Samson Ultra
The Best – Norwalk Hydraulic Press: Provides 50 – 100% more juice by squeezing the juice out. Priciest option, originally developed by Dr. Walker, as the first commercial juicer. Norwalk Juicer, or a cheaper option…hand cranked Healthy Juicer (good for wheatgrass too)
Here’s to your juicing health!

- See more at: http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/juicing-101/#sthash.be4QC6mO.dpuf

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Multi-strain Probiotic Reduces Risk of Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea

01/29/2014 by  Brenda Watson

A multi-strain probiotic has been found to reduce the risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) and reduce gastrointestinal symptoms in hospitalized patients taking antibiotics according to a recent study published in the journal Vaccine. The formulation contained four strains of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus and was taken daily up to seven days after the final antibiotic dosage.

Those patients taking a higher dosage of probiotics (17 billion CFUs daily) were at decreased risk of AAD and also experienced less fever, abdominal pain, and bloating, as well as had a decreased number of liquid stools and duration of diarrhea when compared to those receiving low-dose probiotics (4 billion CFUs daily). And the low-dose group still fared better than those patients receiving only placebo. “The results indicate that the higher tested dose is more efficacious than they lower lose in reducing AAD symptoms, duration, and incidence in a hospital setting,” noted the researchers.

Antibiotic-associated diarrhea is one of the conditions most benefitted by probiotic supplementation, according to studies. Because antibiotics disrupt the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut (remember that the word antibiotics means “against life” and probiotics means “for life”), digestive disruptions often occur along with antibiotic use. By replenishing beneficial probiotic bacteria during antibiotic use, these digestive disruptions can be avoided, as illustrated by this study.

If you are prescribed antibiotics, it would be wise to take probiotics as well. Just remember to take them at a different time of day than the antibiotics so that their chance of survival is increased.

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