Food Contraband!?
Monday, July 01, 2013 by: PF Louis

Find out which foods we eat in America are banned in other countries - the facts will scare you
(NaturalNews) Most of us know that GMOs are required to be labeled or even completely banned in some other nations. Some nations have even outlawed certain pesticides and insecticides from agricultural use that are heavily promoted in the United States.
Those items are not surprising for most of us. But you will be surprised at how many toxic food processing agents and additives used in our foods are completely banned in many other nations.
Hopefully, this list will encourage you to avoid processed foods even more. Many of these items are even in processed foods sold from health foods.
Some sneaky toxic items allowed on USA grocery shelves
Synthetic food colorings are banned in the UK, Austria, France, Finland, and Norway. Just about all American candies and most cereals, especially cereals marketed to children, contain food colorings. They're also used in sports drinks and packaged macaroni and cheese products, cakes, and pastries.
These dyes are petroleum based. They have been linked to hyperactivity and ADD among young children. Despite efforts to ban them in the USA, the FDA has decided to let them continue, even overruling their own scientists.
There are some naturally based dyes that are made toxic from the way they're processed, and there are some wholesome natural dyes also. Find out more here (
Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is so bad it's banned in 100 countries. It's used to keep synthetic dies from separating from sports drinks and some popular sodas. Without it, that lovely homogenized color would vanish as the dyes separate and collect at the bottom.
Bromine is a fire retardant, considered an environmental toxin even when it's used in clothing, furniture, or carpeting (
Potassium bromate is derived from the same source as BVO. It's banned in Canada, Europe, and China. Brominated or bromated flour is used to expedite commercial baking and make more stuff faster of course. Brominated flour has been linked to neurological disorders, kidney problems, and cancer.
Dairy hormones rBGH and rBST are GMO-derived synthetic growth hormones, first introduced by the biotech corporate monster Monsanto as recombinant bovine growth hormone and now as recombinant bovine somatrophin.
Monsanto owns the FDA so of course it was approved and even enforced here in the USA (
This growth hormone forces milking cows to produce more milk faster while causing gross udder infections. It's also bad for humans, having been linked to various cancers while passing cow puss and more antibiotics through dairy products.
These synthetic growth hormones for dairy cows have been banned in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel and 27 European countries.
Olestra or olean is a substitute cooking oil created by Proctor and Gamble and used for fat free processed fried foods, including chips of several types. It blocks mineral and vitamin absorption and can cause cramps and leaky bowels. So far it's banned in the UK and Canada.
Azodicarbonamide is used to bleach flour and foamed plastic. It's ubiquitous in white flour baked breads, cakes, and pastries. White flour in France and other nations are bleached from the sun. Most EU countries, the UK, and Australia have banned this bleaching agent. It has been linked to asthma and other health issues.
Arsenic is used in chicken feed to help make chicken meat look pink and fresh. Its use in chicken feed is banned by the European Union because some arsenic does wind up in meat sold from poultry fed arsenic (
Do you feel comforted when you hear or see the phrase FDA approved or USDA sanctioned? Don't. They're not here for you. These federal agencies are infiltrated and corrupted by large corporate interests, and corrupt politicians keep enabling them.
They protect Big Food, Big Ag, and Big Pharma, not us.
Labels: brominated vegetable oil, bromine, BVO, FDA, gmo, gmos, growth hormones, hormones, monsanto
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