Control those Cravings for "Junk" !!!

How to control your appetite for junk food
Monday, April 22, 2013 by: Sandeep Godiyal
(NaturalNews) With the presence of fast food chains, stands that sell hotdogs, pizza, cupcakes, and so on, it is understandable that many people find it difficult to avoid foods rich in sodium, sugar, and calories. For those whose diets are being dominated by junk food and affecting one's weight and mood, the following are tips on how to control your appetite for them:
Establish your limits
Saying no to all sorts of junk food is actually going overboard, because you will most likely start binging once you crack. You can begin with small steps such as avoiding sugary drinks and white sugar, and then gradually adding some more restrictions as you progress.
Pamper yourself every now and then
Cheat a bit on your diet with tiny amounts of your favorite sin food in order to prevent yourself from building up your cravings. Avoid the cheap variety and opt for the decadent ones such as dark chocolate and fruit. This will be more satisfying for you and keep you from eating too much of it.
Look for better options
Only you can tell whether a craving of yours is too strong, so the next best thing that you can do is to look for a healthier alternative. For instance if you cannot avoid eating ice cream, why don't you try low fat yogurt instead?
Be motivated by your goals
If you have set concrete goals in terms of becoming more fit, you can paint a more detailed picture of it and then summon up the image every time your cravings start to kick in. For instance, you can hang a smaller size bikini on your bedroom door to remind you of your goals every day.
Develop good habits
Try to determine the factors that trigger your junk food cravings so that you can avoid them. For instance, if you pass by this area on your way home from work which sells delicious but incredibly sinful desserts, try another route. If you buy a tumbler of ice cream at the market every weekend to indulge at home, opt for yogurt instead.
Cut back on your alcohol
Drinking too much alcohol will make you more susceptible to eating more foods along with it, from French fries to fried fat. Limit yourself to only one drink each day in order to avoid spiking up your desire for junk food as well as lower your risk for certain cancers.
Do not cut back on sleep. Whenever a person feels unenergetic and the brain signals him or her to take a nap, the usual option is to munch on a high sugar snack instead. However, if you give yourself enough time for sleep, your body will no longer feel unenergetic in the middle of the day and you will no longer need to snack on junk food to keep you awake.
Labels: colonics, control, fastfood, healthy, junkfood, life, natural, nutrients, nutrition, sugar, wellness
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