Five Reasons to Detox Using a Coffee Enema
Saturday, May 18, 2013 by: Angela Doss

(NaturalNews) Colons today have it pretty rough. Whether from the stress of a hurried lifestyle, consumption of poor quality and highly processed foods like sweets and sugars that feed harmful organisms, inadequate levels of digestive enzymes that send partially digested proteins and starches to the colon where they ferment and rot, overuse of antibiotics which destroy intestinal flora, or simply failing to empty the bowels when nature calls, the colon is the organ of the body most in need of serious attentive healing.
Though eating well, taking supplements and keeping active are certainly key in maintaining a healthy body, a more direct and effective way to target colon health is to do routine coffee enemas. Though some may be all too quick to dismiss the treatment due to personal sensitivities, the steady increase of gastrointestinal illnesses and digestive disorders would seem to demand that it's high time we get comfortable with the processes of our own internal plumbing.
For thousands of years, people have been using enemas to cleanse their colons. In fact, references to coffee enemas once appeared in medical physican's handbook known as the Merck Manual and were later brought to more mainstream attention by Dr. Max Gerson, whose meticulous application of coffee enemas, combined with a specialized diet, fresh juices and certain nutritional supplements, produced impressive results in patients with cancer and other degenerative and chronic conditions.
Enemas can work wonders to assist the body to do what it wants to do, but can't always accomplish, under the continual bombardment by the many stressors in our world. Enemas help the body to dump harmful toxins, and fast. In truth, the extraordinary and numerous benefits of coffee enemas may be both under reported and over-criticized.
What coffee enemas can do for you
1. Dramatically reduce toxicity
A 1982 study by the National Research Council (NRC) showed that coffee enemas have the power to reduce systemic toxicity by up to 700 percent. This is because caffeine and other beneficial compounds found in coffee -- when not consumed by mouth and therefore diluted by the digestive tract -- work together to stimulate the liver directly to increase production of glutathione S-transferase (GST), a powerful detoxifying enzyme that binds with, and flushes out, toxins in the body.
2. Improve digestion
When food is not properly digested, it can become fermented, putrefied or rotted in the colon, producing toxins that are absorbed into the liver. This process is a common factor in the development of health complications, with many complaining of impaired digestion. By increasing bile flow and facilitating the release of toxins from the large intestines, coffee enemas help ensure the body does not reabsorb these harmful chemicals. Plus, more bile means a more alkaline small intestine, which helps to improve the digestive process.
3. Ease chronic pain
Credit for the discovery of coffee enemas for pain relief go to a nurse in a World War 1 German army field hospital. At a time when painkillers were scarce, the nurse found that by administering enemas to several badly wounded soldiers, they experienced almost immediate relief from what was often profound and persistent pain.
4. Prevent illness
The deep cleansing and detoxification effects of routine enemas not only help to heal existing health conditions, but they also help the body to perform its innate healing functions more easily. A properly functioning internal environment is less susceptible to the development of chronic or degenerative illness.
5. Boost energy and brighten smiles
Because of its particularly powerful detoxifying effects, coffee enemas essentially transform the tired sluggish body overburdened by toxicity into a cleaner, clearer more effective eliminator. The impacts of this dramatic shift are palpable and can leave a person feeling "high", with more energy, greater mental clarity and wider grins.
Labels: chronic pain, coffee, detox, digestion, enema, energy, health, illness, prevention, wellbeing
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