Man Overcomes Addiction Through Juicing
Friday, November 22, 2013 by: Antonia

Quentin Vennie lived a life of addiction. "I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder at 14, became a smoker at 22, survived a Vicodin overdose at 28 and beat a two-year addiction to anti-anxiety medication," says Vennie. In one study, 53% of people admitted to an addiction unit were dependent on Vicodin, which is the pain treatment Vennie overdosed on.
However, today, Vennie is a New York City-based Certified Personal Trainer, Health Coach and Yoga Instructor. He overcame his addictions and disorders thanks to the powerful effects of juicing. "These days," he says, "I no longer look for medications to heal me, I use food for that."
In fact, when he received an email asking what one thing he recommends to alleviate depression, anxiety and addiction, he responded, "Juicing." His healthier lifestyle and dramatic shift away from his struggles have led to coverage in popular media outlets including the Huffington Post, most of which he personally authors.
The benefits of juicing
The juice from raw fruits and vegetables contain about 95% of the nutrients our bodies need. Research shows that juicing can help the body detox, build immunity and create stronger bones, to name just a few benefits that Vennie found helpful.
"I had no idea that what I thought was a balanced diet was actually harming my body," Vennie explains. "I didn't know that the medicine I was taking to combat my illnesses was making them worse. I watched documentaries (Vegucated, Food Matters, Forks Over Knives and Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead), which explained the significance of plant-based diets and their effects on health. I watched Food Inc, and researched the food and drug industry's stronghold on society."
He didn't need to think but a minute about scaling back on meat and eliminating processed foods from his diet. Coupled with his doctor's urging, he shed the harmful habits, stopped taking supplements and turned to juicing.
With juicing, Vennie says he has "more natural energy" and "experienced gradual gains" that led him "down the path of self-discovery."
His Facebook page is brimming with information about juicing and other health-related topics, including everything from his recipes for organic ginger shots to what supermarket aisles to avoid.
"Be aware of what you put into your body. Remember, you only get out of it what you put into it," Vennie says about his love of juicing. "Increase your fruit and vegetable intake, adopt a regular exercise routine and cut out processed food."
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Labels: addiction, benefits of juicing, colon hydrotherapy philadelphia, colonic philadelphia, colonics, juicing, overcoming addiction
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