Acupuncture Replacing OTC Medicine for Migraines
Wednesday, November 20, 2013 by: Antonia

Throughout her teenage years, Tricia had painful migraines and often sought relief from over-the-counter (OTC) medications and physical therapy. However, her debilitating headaches persisted. That's when she turned to acupuncture, which she says has "been a lifesaver." As a result, she's stopped taking OTC medications completely and doesn't even get so much as a dull headache.
Tricia used to get severe migraines an average of two times per month. After about 10 acupuncture treatments, she says she no longer noticed them. She also answers what's often on the minds of those considering acupuncture: does it hurt? No, she says. While some areas are sensitive, she says it feels "really good" and is a relief.
Acupuncture stems from an ancient Chinese healing practice that involves penetrating certain points of an individual's skin in an effort to stimulate and therefore relieve a range of symptoms.
Studies prove the benefits of acupuncture for migraine relief
Studies in medical journals have shown the benefits of acupuncture for migraine sufferers, saying that relief is indeed possible through this treatment. In one study, two groups were studied - one that received acupuncture treatments in conjunction with some standard care and one that received only standard medical care. Individuals in the acupuncture group made 25% fewer doctor visits and used 15% less medication, in addition to several other benefits. As such, many researchers tout the increased quality of life that acupuncture brings to migraine sufferers.
According to the Migraine Research Foundation, migraine is one of the top 20 world's most disabling medical illnesses with pain so debilitating that family, social and professional interactions are severely affected. About 1 in 4 U.S. households have a member suffering from migraine, where they experience intense throbbing pain in their head, typically accompanied by a host of other symptoms including light sensitivity, dizziness and nausea.
It is estimated that over 3 million Americans use acupuncture.
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Labels: acupuncture, colon hydrotherapy philadelphia, colonic philadelphia, medicine, migraine relief, migraines, otc, otc drugs, otc medicine
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