The Many Incredible Health Benefits of Coffee Enemas
Thursday, June 13, 2013 by: Dr. David Jockers

(NaturalNews) A common saying in natural health is that "Death begins in the colon." Enemas have been a key tool to cleanse the colon by many cultures all around the world throughout history. Organic coffee beans were originally cultivated and used as a powerful liver cleanser by native American tribes. There are many incredible health benefits of doing coffee enemas.
The ancient Egyptians, Hindus, Greeks, Romans, Chinese and Sumerians have all used colon cleansing techniques such as enemas to improve their health. The ancient dead sea scrolls which are said to have been written during Jesus day detail the importance of regular enemas for good health as well.
In the U.S., up until the 20th Century, enemas were known to be one of the most important parts of a healthy lifestyle. The famed Dr. Kellogg reported to the Journal of American Medicine in 1917 that in over 40,000 cases of individuals with gastrointestinal disease he had seen remarkable results using a regimen of diet, exercises and enemas.
Digestive health in the 21st century
Life in the 21st century is extremely challenging to our liver and colon. We are inundated with chlorinated and fluoridated water, chemicals everywhere and antibiotics in everything. Processed foods have very slow transit time and they very often will stick to the sides of the gut and become encased in a mucoid plaque creating toxic ridges in the colon. These ridges are incredibly tough to remove and they limit the amount of feces moving through the bowel and provide an optimal environment for parasites to thrive.
When food sits in the colon it rots and putrefies and releases toxins into the bloodstream that make their way to the liver. The liver does its best to cleanse and purify the bloodstream but when the gut continues to release toxins it creates an excessive burden on the body. This eventually leads to a state of disease as the body is accumulating more toxins than it can remove.
The benefit of colon therapies and enemas
Colon therapies and enemas help to remove the toxic mucoid plaque around the colon walls and the elimination of parasites in the gut. They also facilitate better gut mobility and the frequency of healthy bowel movements.
Coffee enemas give an added benefit over typical water-based colonic therapies by stimulating the liver to produce greater amounts of glutathione. Glutathione is the body's master anti-oxidant and helps protect the intracellular DNA and eliminate toxins from within the cells. Studies have found that green coffee bean increased glutathione production in the liver by 600 percent and by 700 percent in the small intestine. The enema is the most potent way to gain these powerful effects because the enzymes of the digestive tract do not interact with the nutrients before they reach the liver.
Coffee enemas are known to help individuals with gallstones and cholecystis, liver problems, digestive problems, low energy, auto-immune diseases and cancer. They are used in almost every natural health retreat center around the world for their remarkable ability to cleanse and detoxify in a short period of time.
Individuals with chronic disease often do up to four coffee enemas a day while those who want to live a healthy lifestyle are encouraged to at least do this weekly to reset the colon and filter out any toxic debris that has been stagnant over the course of the week.
Labels: coffee enema, colon hydrotherapy, colonics, digestive, enemas, health
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