Banana Diet Gives Woman Better Mental Clarity
January 10, 2014 by: Raw Michelle

When Yulia Tarbath decided that she needed to give her health a boost, she went to banana island. However, this island wasn't the kind that most people imagine, brimming with beachside hammocks and drinks with cute umbrellas. Rather, "banana island" is a term commonly used to describe the consumption of only one fruit, and no other foods, for a determined length of time. Also known as "mono-fruiting," it's touted by many as a method to detox their way to significantly better health.
Tarbath, who enjoys a high-fruit and low-fat raw vegan lifestyle with her husband, says that any fruit can be used, but bananas are often selected for their ease of eating, nutritional content and affordable cost. Furthermore, she says greens may be added, but suggests also going mono by using only one kind of green such as celery. By following a banana-only diet for 12 days, drinking plenty of water and getting rest and exercise, she saw vast improvements in her physical and emotional well-being.
The benefits of a mono-fruit diet
First, she was aware that her digestion was better and free of any complications. In fact, she didn't even experience any detox symptoms at all! Bananas, which are fiber-rich (one has about 12% of the FDA's recommended daily value of 25 g), are known for their ability to aid in digestion by regulating electrolytes and flushing toxins from the body.
Secondly, she says she felt "calm and peaceful" and "a lot more creative" while enjoying her banana diet. "I experienced tremendous mental clarity and focus," Tarbath says, adding that it was as if "extra time" was given to her. Bananas' levels of potassium and tryptophan are responsible for this feeling, helping with cell communication and maintaining proper oxygen levels in the brain.
With the ability to accomplish more through this heightened focus and increased energy, she explains how she even beat her personal best fitness records.
As if all of this wasn't amazing enough, her skin became softer and shinier.
Eating raw foods and enjoying occasional mono-fruiting has allowed Tarbath to live life to the fullest. Once struggling with candida, hypoglycemia, bad food cravings and severe mood swings, she now finds herself free of such complications, attributing her raw food lifestyle as the reason behind her gradual healing.
She and her husband are now Natural Health and Holistic Nutrition Practitioners, traveling the world to attend raw food festivals and outings. There, they meet with other health-conscious people to share ideas and personal healing stories and reinforce the importance of a healthy diet. Based on their success and enjoyment of this lifestyle, the two created a web site,, which outlines the beneficial ways that eating fruits and vegetables can keep people healthy, focused and full of energy.
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Labels: banana diet, colonic philadelphia, diet plan, meal plan, mental clarity, mono-fruit, mono-fruit diet, mono-fruiting
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