Before 1940, more than 85% of the U.S. Population used Drugless Healers
October 29, 2013 by: S. D. Wells

The news blackout and disinformation campaign of natural cures has been so effective since WWII that most people do not ever learn of the "disappeared" therapies until the fateful moment when they or their loved ones are diagnosed with some dreadful disease. Then and only then will they begin "fighting for their lives" and delve into the plethora of alternative medicine, and throw to the wayside all of the supposedly "scientifically supported" mainstream medicine they fear so much.
It wasn't always this way. Just 100 years ago, what we call "alternative" medicine was main stream, consisting of herbs, tinctures, roots and medicinal mushrooms which indigenous societies have proven effective for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Doctors making house calls and traveling snake oil salesmen were not called "quacks" because they were not quacks at all. Conversely, they were nipping disease and disorder (what little existed) in the bud, using Nature's powerful extracts and herbal tinctures based on a long history of proven methods; from China to Brazil, from India to Australia, and right back here to the local roots of the Native Americans.
Just 100 years ago in the United States, medicine was not a lucrative business. Scarce was a case of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis or Alzheimer's, and there were no pharmaceutically induced deaths.
Between 1905 and 1912, deficiency disease was discovered, which meant scientists figured out that nearly all sicknesses and disease were caused by NUTRIENT DEFICIENCY, and the recent discoveries of vitamins B12, vitamin A, and vitamin D proved it. Since then, farmers have fed cattle vitamins and trace minerals to prevent and cure disease, but the FDA does not want you to know. Vitamin B12 is needed for healthy red blood cells, healthy nerve cells, and to make DNA. Vitamin A is important for the immune system, helping cell membranes resist cancer and many other diseases. A public lack of this understanding has been pivotal in the mass failure of informed choices regarding the prevention and cure of disease. Also, by 1935, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) became the first "pure" vitamin made available to the public through large-scale production.
Because of the mass "mis-education" of vitamins and medicine in the United States, one must "unlearn" and then re-learn how medicine became so convoluted and corrupt. The best example starts with a simple term for a drugless healer, which was twisted and published for the mainstream opinion to start everyone off on the wrong path, on a 70-year farce which continues today. The term "traveling snake oil salesman" may bring to mind notions of a "charlatan" or a "huckster," one who peddles worthless "quack" remedies that make all kinds of false health claims. But this belief or bad rumor came from the American Medical Association (AMA), which was led by a man named Morris Fishbein for 40 years, whose ultimate goal was to label true medicine as quackery and convince the masses that pharmaceuticals, petroleum-based products, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation were legitimate and mainstream medicine. (
Unfortunately, the infamous Fishbein 40-year brainwashing scam worked, and millions of Americans lost faith in natural cures. In actuality, "snake oil" came from the Chinese who immigrated to North America to labor on the railways. Because laying tracks was very physical, the Chinese had mixed together emulsifying ingredients with omega 3 derivatives, oleic acid and water snake oils, which decreased inflammation of muscles and helped them relax. ( For more wonderful, natural remedies which have been available for centuries, keep reading:
Extracts and tinctures - Nature's drugless antibiotics and immune system building blocks
• Oil of oregano: Oil from the common herb oregano is an effective treatment against dangerous, drug-resistant bacteria. Carvacrol, one of oregano's components, reduces infection as effectively as traditional antibiotics.
• Holy or "blessed" thistle (carbenia benedicta): Recorded as early as the 16th century for treating smallpox, fever, anorexia, dyspepsia, indigestion and constipation. Blessed thistle tea has been drunk for digestive problems, liver and gall bladder problems, headache prevention, respiratory ailments, memory improvement and external problems such as sores, boils and itchy skin. The plant gained the title "blessed" for its use in treating plague. Blessed thistle (and its cousin milk thistle) promotes healthy metabolic activities in liver cells and helps with toxin elimination.
• Glutathione: The immune system is constantly on the prowl for pathogens and foreign antigens - the agents of cellular damage, toxicity and disease. These antigens include viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi and pre-cancerous cells. To neutralize these pathogens, the body needs a ready supply of glutathione. Glutathione was first discovered in 1888, well over 100 hundred years ago, by J. de-Rey-Pailhaide, who viewed it under a microscope while studying the human eyeball. There are currently over 85,000 professional research articles regarding its positive influence on cellular health.
• Mistletoe: A folk remedy for cancer, Mistletoe has shown anti-tumor effects in both human and animals studies in Germany
• Homeopathic medicine: Homeopathy developed much of its popularity in the United States and Europe because of its success in treating people with cholera, scarlet fever, yellow fever and other infectious diseases that were ravaging populations. After 200 years, homeopathy is re-emerging as a major healing approach to the degenerative disease "epidemics" of the 21st century. The success of treating yellow fever with homeopathy was so impressive that a report from the United States Government's Board of Experts included several homeopathic medicines, despite the fact that the board was primarily composed of conventional physicians who despised homeopathy. The success of homeopathy in treating modern-day infections is comparable to its successes in treating the infectious diseases of the last century.
The U.S. "disease and disorder" disinformation campaign, since WWII
A powerful conglomerate of government agencies, international drug companies, and major cancer treatment hospitals do not want the public to learn about and pursue alternative medicine. Most likely, most of what you have heard over your lifetime about food and medicine is a lie. If you watch television and visit allopathic doctors and dentists regularly, you have been severely influenced by propaganda and medicine with NO SCIENTIFIC VALIDITY WHATSOEVER. New healthcare laws and mandates do not allow anyone to get credit or monies for Alternative Medicine, Natural Cures, or vitamins and minerals which prevent disease without the use of pharmaceuticals and toxic, synthetic vaccines.
The FDA, NCI, ACS and AMA is an organized, medical monopoly which ensures a continuous flow of money to Big Pharma. According to the New York Times and the British Medical Journal, more than 85 percent of prescribed standard medical treatments lack scientific validation and have never even been assessed at all. But the Natural Remedies wave of knowledge and application is sweeping the country and the world. Alternative medicine is now the largest growing industry in health care today. Dr. David Eisenberg of Harvard surveyed the American public to find that 42 percent are using alternative therapies.
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Labels: alternative health, alternative medicine, alternative therapies, colon hydrotherapy philadelphia, colonic philadelphia, colonics philadelphia, medicine
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